David Baum
I am a 64 year old man from Bushey in Hertfordshire. I have been married to my best friend Melanie for 38 years. We have two sons Philip & Oliver and an amazing daughter in law called Kirsty, who is the mother of our beautiful granddaughter Chloe.
I grew up in a typical North West London Jewish household where food was often used as a bargaining chip. Generally eat up and you’ll get a treat (when a young child) and then told to eat up as there are starving children who will be very happy to eat anything.
At 9 it was discovered I was overweight and was sent to the dietician at The Royal Free who put me on a 1,600 calorie a day diet and so started my YoYo life as a dieter. Until I was in my mid 40’s I would gain and then lose weight trying all types of diets including Slim Fast & Herbal Life, all worked well but the moment I stopped any weight I lost went back on, mind you, it didn’t help that I enjoyed cake and chocolates. I did enjoy playing badminton and cycling. Around this time I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid, caused in part by the Slimfast/Herbal Life diets.
Eventually I knew things had to change as I was “eating” the so called healthy diet of 5 a day plus all the “required” wheat and rice etc. I was fortunate to be introduced to Professor Brostoff, a leading immunologist who recommended I stop following the recognised “healthy” diet as it wasn’t healthy for me and introduced me to the Dukan diet, which was a revelation. I found by becoming gluten free and on a relatively low carb diet my weight improved as did my blood sugars and cholesterol.
However, as with all lifestyle changes after a while I started to introduce other “Gluten Free” foods which meant my weight went up as I had no idea of the hidden carbs.
Life continued until one magical day I was introduced to a keto lifestyle and it was like a light bulb went off in my head. These days I am able to keep up an intense level of exercise including running 10k’s, 10 milers, half marathons and in October a full marathon. I find that by following a keto lifestyle I never feel hungry and the selection of foods available is now first class.
The fact that I can do the level of exercise means that I can be featured most days on/in our daily social media posts for The Move For Wellness.
David’s Top Tips
- Avoid Processed Food
- Enjoy a low carb/keto lifestyle
- Laugh – every day find a reason to laugh
- Go for a walk in nature
Resources Mentioned
Quotes by David Baum
“Sixty is one of these magic ages where you can suddenly switch into Type 2 Diabetes.”
“I don’t want to be 85 and a burden or worry to my grandaughter.”
“The envelope I am in is borrowed but when I get evicted, I get evicted.”
“I am now know as The Man in a Tutu.”
“We can only control, what we can control.”
Connect with David Baum on social media
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MoveWellness21
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/847640769414093
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moveforwellness21/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidbaummfw/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZaCVzU9OySe6lCgB-Mc8Zg
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