Louise Benning
Louise Benning says:
It all started in 2020, the worst year of my life which ultimately led to me making the best lifestyle changes for my health. At the time I didn’t even know what metabolic health was and looking back I can see how inflamed I was. I am never going back to that state again.
The initial change was in my diet by going low carb, clean Keto that over the next three years evolved to animal based/carnivore way of eating.
Most importantly my learning journey has made me confident in what I am doing by going against the mainstream medical and government advice, not only for me but my children and their future health. I will keep learning and living by example.
Link to Show Notes on Website
Louise’ Top Tips
- Be selfish and look after yourself first.
- If there is any doubt, think how your ancestors would have done it in the cave days.
- Keep leading by example.
Resources Mentioned
The hidden enemy behind Dementia is NOT genetics – Dr Bosworth
Keto for Brain Health – Dr Bret Scher
Connect with Louise Benning on social media
Twitter: https://twitter.com/benning_louise
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thestrongcarnivoress
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