Dr Jim and Betsy Waller
Dr Jim Waller moved to a low carb diet over 20 years ago, as part of a healthy lifestyle and because of his family history of significant cardiovascular disease. Dr Jim Waller is a retired colorectal surgeon.
Betsy was in the Women’s Army Corp. She was then a Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellor and has lifelong interest in movement therapies, sports medicine, kinesiology and yoga.
Betsy met Jim in 2020, 51 years after graduating the same high school class. They had both lost their spouses and they got together and are now married.
Betsy thought she was eating healthily when she was stuck in the belief system that she now calls the “dark years”. What seemed logical kept her in lifelong restrictive eating patterns in order to subscribe to “calories in – calories out” with the belief that most meat is bad.
With Jim’s long experience of low carb she has learned to love beef and to focus on protein. Betsy discovered The Fabulously Keto Podcast in 2021 and is an avid listener. Using The Fabulously Keto Diet and Lifestyle Journal she continued to modify and use it as a consistent method to “assess, plan, implement and evaluate”
Betsy subscribes to weighing daily. She plans Friday though Sunday as her best time periods to start and stop for weekly reflections. She may be moving from a lifelong abstainer to a moderator. She is also adopting a radical daily regime to end all showers and bathing with as much “cold” time to assist in her longevity habit.
Link to Show Notes on Website
Dr Jim’s Top Tips
- Keep it simple.
- Introduce some exercise – walk every day or ride a bike, anything – exercise is better than any pill you can take..
- Protein is very important – make sure you are getting 1.5 to 1.6 gms of protein per kilo. It is best in the morning. Particularly as you get older.
Betsy’s Top Tips
- Just take one or two changes at a time – don’t do too much.
- Keep learning.
- Take care of yourself.
Resources Mentioned
093: Dr Jim Waller – Preventing Colon Cancer
044: Nick Norwitz – The Future is Bright
Connect with Dr Jim and Betsy Waller on social media
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/EVVCRS/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@evansvillecolorectalsurgery
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